by Tom (WordWulf) SternerHowe
Birds I View
Whomever hears a choir
must needs long for Noel
just so... those inclined toward
the voices of birds
listen for Spring
as one might any day sing
yet exalt in the clamor
of rich pitch soprano
and tenor rising
on alto bass legs to soar
all ways speak an air of wing
There were five this morning
whose dark coat raven
one more bearer await the pall
together badger the hawk
make a meal of its prey
caw caw caw the hunter
they strut in magnificent jest
whose eyes four hundred years
they live each and longer even
unimpressed by fate
scavengers and better for it
Such are the birds I view
gray tongues wagging lament
threatening at once to land
that the sky would fall
to bury its stick pins
ebon cloak name night
these bits of blue/black
lift the mantle and fear not
that gone unexplained
its quick reason a dark bead
such are the birds eye view
© 2005 Tom (WordWulf) SternerHowe
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